Due to COVID-19 pandemic and protocols, the annual Independence Anniversary Banquet hosted by the Antigua and Barbuda Association of Toronto has been cancelled. However, the Association will present a couple of events virtually, in celebration of the 39th Independence Anniversary.
Thursday October 29th 7:00PM; INFORMATION SESSION – COVID-19 Update and the impact on Travel – Guest speaker, the Honorable Molwyn Joseph, Minister of Health, Wellness and The Environment for Antigua and Barbuda.
Friday October 30th 8:00 PM – KING SWALLOW KARAOKE NIGHT (Songs will be by King Swallow or another Antigua & Barbuda Artist).
INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL DRESS-UP (Prizes will be issued to the best four National Dresswear on the ZOOM – the prizes are a Gift Basket sponsored by GRACE, a Cooler Bag with supplies sponsored by CARIB, a bottle of 5yr Old English Harbour Rum and a $50 Visa Certificate) All Antiguans, Barbudans and Friends in the Canadian Diaspora are invited to participate. Details for the ZOOM links will be provided in a follow up email.
Persons are encouraged to follow the 39th Independence Anniversary Week of Activities in Antigua and Barbuda as per attached Schedule of Events. All events will be broadcasted live on ABS Television/Radio for your viewing pleasure.