On my most recent 2023 trip to Antigua & Barbuda, I happened to be waiting my turn at a local bank in the town of English Harbour wearing my favourite Beatles T shirt when an elderly man approached commenting on the picture of the four lads. He told me his name was Cecil Andres Carlos but affectionately known as NUPPY. He said he was born in 1951 in English Harbour and fathered 10 boys and 5 girls.
He continued saying that many years ago he was involved in the night club industry situated in New York City. Many of his patrons were famous celebrities who he supplied weed for, amongst them was John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono.
He told me of the evening just over 40 years ago he was supposed to meet John and Yoko in Central Park who were going to buy some weed from him, but the couple didn’t show so he proceeded to the Dakota apartment building where John & Yoko lived.
As he approached he heard gunshots and quickly ran to see what the commotion was all about. What he saw has haunted him ever since. Here is a recent exclusive interview given by Nuppy to us about his life in Antigua, New York, John Lennon’s death, and his brief claim to fame advertising for Malibu Caribbean White Rum...now sit back and enjoy the interview.