written by
Norman Hart
It has just been announced that Team Antigua Island Girls will be participating in the 2023 Pacific Row Challenge.
Three years ago in 2019, The team created history by becoming the first all-female all-black Caribbean team to complete the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge which culminated at Antigua and Barbuda’s Nelson’s Dockyard after rowing 48 days and 3,000 miles. The inaugural Pacific Challenge starts in June 2023 with up to 20 teams from around the world participating. The annual edition of this race will see teams starting from the historic harbour of Monterey in California and row for about 35 days over 2,800 nautical miles to the Nawiliwili Bay in Kauai, Hawaii. Following the path of many adventurers and explorers of old. The team comprises of Christal Clashing, Elvira Bell, Kevin Francis, and Samara Emmanuel.
The team has begun training, both physically and mentally as they learned from their freshman experience that it takes more mental strength than brawn to get to the finishing line. The quartet will again be setting sail to raise funds for Team Island Girls, a non-profit organization to help the team row the Pacific but specifically to a project to assist girls in conflict with the law. We all wish them a safe journey and good luck. Donations to www.antiguaandbarbudaislandgirls.com
Article by Norman Hart….. Photo courtesy of www.antiguabarbudaislandgirls.com